Port Saint Lucie High School "Jaguar" Band

    We Are The "Pride" of PSL

                                                                       1201 Jaguar Lane, Port Saint Lucie, FL  34952

Please bookmark this site and use it as a reference.
New and updated information is posted frequently.

Questions, Comments, Suggestions?
Please send an email to pslhs.band@gmail.com

We Need Your Photos!

Attention Parents and Students - if you happen to take pictures at any of our events, we would love to have copies to select from for our end of year slide show.

Please email them to:  pslhs.band@gmail.com

Welcome Parents and Students,

What does band have to offer to students?  In addition to the educational and academic benefits, band participation offers students some key aspects of life that all teenagers want and need.  These include:

Acceptance by Peers:  From the very beginning, incoming members of the band have a large immediate set of peers ready and willing to welcome them into the band family.  Members of the band work together creating strong personal and social bonds among themselves.  Lifelong friendships and relationships are common among band members. 

Recognition and Self Worth:  The band provides each student with opportunities for personal success while participating in a wholesome structured activity.  Members of the band are recognized by the student body, faculty, and community as being among the best students at PSLHS.  Students in band are respected and appreciated for their excellent performances and service to the school and community. Being a member of the PSLHS band is a source of great personal pride and accomplishment.

Fun, Enjoyment, Rewards:  Band Camp is a great time to bond with others while learning new music and moves.  The band offers social opportunities for students including travel to performances at area high schools and to major state events.  “Meet and Greet” is one way to meet other band students and parents before the school year begins.  Parades, picnics, and the band banquet are just a few of the social opportunities experienced during the year.  Many students turn band participation into scholarship dollars for college and careers in music or other leadership and service professions.        

How much time does band participation require?  On average, the rehearsal schedule is two days a week after school, during Marching Band season (the first three months of school).  The students perform at Friday night football games and perform one to two Saturday competitions. Your student will receive the band schedule for the rehearsal days, football games, and competitions your student will be required to attend.   

During the year, students perform at in-school activities. They may also try out for the orchestra (pit) which performs at the plays.  There are two plays performed per year (January and June).

Time management will be one of the most important tools that your child will acquire when they become members of the PSLHS band program; your child will become punctual.  They will be taught the meaning of the phrase:

If you are early, you are on time;

If you are on time, you are late”

Rehearsals for all bands are mandatory.  One absent member will disrupt rehearsal for all members of the band.  To be able to perform at their best, all band members need to be present.  Management of a band this size is a monumental task.  Please help your student make every rehearsal on time and prepared to do their best.

Do students have time in the class schedule for band?  Most definitely!  The schedule accommodates 7 classes per year.  This allows for a total of 28 credits over four years of high school.  The average college bound student has between 10 to 12 elective credits open in their course schedule during these four years.  Students wishing to participate in more than one music class per year can easily accommodate this into their academic program. 

What are Meet and Greet, and Band Camp?  Meet and Greet” is the pre-band camp orientation meeting and is an opportunity for the band students and their parents to get together to meet either for the first time or to see each other again and catch up after the summer vacation.  This year’s event will take place on Monday, June 27th, 2016 before the pre-camp rehearsals.  All forms should be turned in at this time. It is also a time to volunteer for the various committees which function throughout the year. Your participation in one or more committees is highly encouraged.

What is a Band parent?  If you have a child in the PSLHS band or color guard, we need your help. Being a parent of a band student,  we anticipate that you will want to be involved with the band program.  This is an opportunity to actively participate in an activity with your child.  By being involved, you will see first-hand the talent, dedication, and hard work your student puts into the band.  You will get to know his/her friends, meet other parents, and you will help make a difference to all the band students.  During the year, there are many opportunities to help out.  Some examples include football games, trips to competitions, phone trees, concessions, publications, sewing, typing, helping with uniforms and fundraisers such as bake sales, yard sales, gift wrap, etc.  If you have some fundraising ideas, let us know.  Our main goal is to support and encourage our kids.  

You will learn of upcoming events through email, Remind text messages, and this website.  Parents, please be sure that we have your current email address. There is a lot going on during the school year and, as a first-time band parent, it can be very overwhelming.  Our job is to make sure you are informed and have a place to go to ask questions.  You will also be given opportunities to sign up to help out or chaperone for upcoming events. 

Band Parents are an important part of the success of band events -  please plan on joining our great band “family”.


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